Maharaja in Denims, a historical fiction, is an intriguing narrative of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, commonly known as the Lion of Punjab, through the eyes of a teenager named Hari, who believes he is a reincarnation of the maharaja. When Suzanne, Haris girlfriend, attempts to decode Hari's past life through the practice of regression, as she is shocked to discover that Hari has had more than one tumultous past lives. This changes both their lives forever.
High on emotion, drama, politics and sex, the novel provides an insight into the history of Punjab, and the tragic after-effects of the assassination of the former prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi. Interwoven throughout the unfolding of Hari and Suzanne's present-day story, are vignettes of Ranjit Singh's life and loves, valour and conquests. There is an astonishing revelation at the end, which is set in the future and yet, has a deep historical resonance.
High on emotion, drama, politics and sex, the novel provides an insight into the history of Punjab, and the tragic after-effects of the assassination of the former prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi. Interwoven throughout the unfolding of Hari and Suzanne's present-day story, are vignettes of Ranjit Singh's life and loves, valour and conquests. There is an astonishing revelation at the end, which is set in the future and yet, has a deep historical resonance.